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Why Suzuki Burgman200 very hard to compete??….. 8 February, 2015

Posted by IWB in Blogging activity, Suzuki.
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As we all know, Suzuki Indonesia has struggled to gain popularity as well as its market share for its maxi scooter, Burgman 200. It seems like the Burgman 200 won’t be able to survive in 150 ~ 250 cc maxi scooter battle in Indonesian market. It’s withered before even got the chance to show its existence…..

Suzuki’s production capacity is still below its other Japanese counterparts. And in Burgman’s case, Suzuki still imports it from Thailand which implies to its higher price tag due to the CBU’s higher tax charge. Burgman ‘s not so competitive price tag makes it hard to compete in its segment. But, don’t get me wrong. Burgman is a nice scooter that performs well, just its plus points ain’t enough to justify its “higher than others” price tag…..

At last, it seems that Suzuki’s moves always hit thick wall. Also, it’s apparent that Suzuki should change their strategy. Relying too much on scooter and moped segments which are too crowded and on the other side with current Suzuki’s brand awareness surely won’t help much. Instead of over concentrating on those segments, it might be a bit wiser to jump on sport bike segments or others. Bajaj did that before, as the Pulsar series awareness are proven strong. So Suzuki? Nothing is impossible, just act, don’t wait, and don’t hold your strength as in “no SSS (side stand switch) in Address” case. Head the war in full power, no pain no gain!…(iwb)


1. Aladin - 8 February, 2015

wak haji, IMN sekarang pakai bahasa inggris ya? 😀

tapi kok udah mulai jarang update tulisan ya wak?

pemancing ikan betok - 2 February, 2016

hati2 kang taufik ….yahomo lagi menyerang blogger …dia lapor ke wordpress terkait iklan2 ….yahomo lagi sakit hati krn usd 15 juta …si fifauzi juga dah kena

2. Motor Batangan - 8 February, 2015

Too.. much.. failures.. my brain hurts.. :))

3. otong - 8 February, 2015

inilah bahayanya menulis pake bhs inggris, ketauan salahnya.

4. ardi - 9 February, 2015

indomotonews seperti ayam lagi bertelur saja, koar2 diawal! endingnya diem tanpa artikel seperti ayam mengeram.

Xperia Z Ultra Black - 9 February, 2015

Sesudah selesai mengeram kan bakalan menetas tuh telurnya ;-). Kalau sudah menetas kan ramai lagi. Sabar aja bro, pantengi aja terus… Hehehe…

5. st3v4nt - 9 February, 2015

SIS lagi gak punya power….gak gulung tikar aja udah bagus….

6. udinsedunia - 9 February, 2015

itu Burgman kan SIS udh ngajuin TPT impor lagi. Artinya yg kmrn harganya 50 jutaan juga laku kerass om. Susah compare Burgman sama Nmax/PCX. Beda kelas. Kecuali liat nnt gmn positioning harga Xmax dsini.

7. nganu ngini - 9 February, 2015

harganya memang terlalu tinggi untuk CBU thailand, kalau misalkan CBU jepang dengan harga jual sekarang mungkin menjadi kebanggaan pembelinya krn spek jepang selalu lebih OK

8. ade - 9 February, 2015

judulnya kok kalo di artikan mengapa suzuki burgman200 sangat sulit di tandingi…

kompor - 9 February, 2015

terjemahan google translate sih 😆

zzz - 9 February, 2015

compete = bersaing , bukan ditandingi

9. jokowi jongos - 9 February, 2015

wah kacau lek iwan,masa suzuki burgman dibilang kampret???

10. luden - 10 February, 2015

kang, inggrismu yo lumayan je… sekolah no ndi biyen?

11. Erik - 11 February, 2015

IMN kelar dh. Dulu katanya 4 artikel per hari. Buktinya

12. madesu - 11 February, 2015

Madesu iki belog

13. udinsastro - 12 February, 2015

seminggu lebih gak ada update? ayo lah

14. glendo - 13 February, 2015

bubar kah ???


15. margondez - 14 February, 2015

Sepi update-tane… Tutup ta kantore?Apa lgi valentinan yo bloger kontributore???

16. silentreader - 14 February, 2015

sepiiii….. dari 4x sehari sekarang jadi 4 hari sekali

17. PelekMotor - 18 February, 2015

mirip blog “pemula”

18. payah - 20 February, 2015

ada masalah antar blogger nya kali yak.. hahahaha

19. botak sariawan - 21 February, 2015

Knock.. Knock.. Anybody here.

20. glendo - 22 February, 2015


21. glendo - 22 February, 2015


22. balimotorider - 7 March, 2015

waaah…..jrg update dimari
mau.dech dibayar jd kontributor biar rame nie warung

23. andrybrew - 9 March, 2015

very good motor, poor marketing effort, harley davidson can sell their cheap street 500 easily in indonesia. suzuki indonesia is so weak, they can even grab massive indonesian market ..

24. Jack Sparrow - 21 March, 2015

the title “why suzuki burgman…” should be “why is suzuki burgman…”

if you want to spread your wings, you have to know how the air lift you up.
i mean, if you want to write in english, do it in the right expression, or people will make a fool of you 🙂

25. Moy seventeen ==>> - 3 April, 2015
26. sandal jepit - 17 April, 2015

Suzuki, why still life?

27. box tips - 29 April, 2015


28. andaru - 30 April, 2015
29. lontong sayur - 2 February, 2016

watepak this blog..i don andesten

EGI-YK - 2 February, 2016


30. bombino - 2 February, 2016
31. Pengamat - 2 February, 2016

Brugman 200 mesinnya mengunakan spek kasta tertinggi stroke 53,4 mm. sedangkan harganya ngak disetting murah.

saat awal louncing saja ngak disett 30jtan buat penetrasi pasar dulu tp langsung 50jtan. langsung antiklimaks semua ….. xixixixixixixi

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